Prefect 2.3.0 adds support for flows defined in Docker Images and GitHub Repositories

And several important fixes and enhancements!

Anna Geller
7 min readAug 30, 2022

Prefect 2.3.0 ships with some really cool and highly requested features. We’ll cover those in this post. To learn more about all improvements, check the release notes and our updated documentation.

Table of contents:· Build and apply your deployments in one step
· Skip upload if your code didn’t change
· Custom (sub)paths on remote storage blocks
Explicit paths
· UI Block creation links from the CLI
· Block validation on deployments
· New Docker deployment experience
How to specify where the flow code is located within the Docker image?
· Recap: new CLI flags
· GitHub read-only remote storage block
· KubernetesJob block uses args instead of command
· New context manager to disable Prefect logger
· Next steps

Build and apply your deployments in one step

This release introduced a new --apply flag on build CLI and a corresponding apply kwarg on Deployment.build_from_flow. This allows you to build and apply the deployment in one step, further streamlining the user experience:

prefect deployment build -n dev --apply

